Your support enables us to Continue educational programs to excite and educate our visitors, Advocate for improved and appropriate community access to the Bay, and Protect this fragile ecosystem. You can support us through a yearly Friends Membership. Membership levels and benefits are as follows:

Gift Shop at the Peter & Mary Muth Interpretive Center open Tuesday through Sundays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Pelican ($25)
– 50% off one scheduled kayak tour and 10% discount on gift shop merchandise
– TRACKS newsletter
Tern ($50)
– 50% off two scheduled kayak tours and 10% discount on gift shop merchandise
– TRACKS newsletter
Egret ($100)
– Laminated nature guide
– Tern benefits
Skimmer ($250)
– National Geographic Field Guide to North American Birds or equivalent item
– Tern benefits
Osprey ($500)
– Walking or water tour for up to 6 people
– Tern benefits
Heron ($1000+)
– Two walking or water tours for up to 6 people
– Tern benefits
Other Funding Opportunities
Other funding opportunities that may interest you include:
- Funding Partner Program at the $1,000 level or high
- Planned Giving
- Event Sponsorship
- In-kind Donations
For details please call (949) 923-2269 or donate online with a credit card.
We are a 501 (c) 3 organization with a federal tax ID is 33-0545786 . Memberships are fully or partially tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.