Plant: Coarse, vigorous, 4 foot annual with bur like seed pod. |
Flower/Seed pod: Male and female flowers are on different
flower heads
on the same plant. Female flowers are clustered below the male
heads. Seeded is a bur 3/4 to 1-1/2 inches long with many hooked
spines. There are two incurved hooks at the end of the bur.
The seedlings and seeds are poisonous. |

Leaf: Heart shaped, 4 inches long, green on both sides.
toothed, thick and sand papery. Leaf stems are about the same
as the leaves. |
Flowering period: |
July to October |
Use by Indians: |
Leaves were used as wraps to cook other food. |
Can be found here: |
Big Canyon, Back Bay Dr., Interpretive Center. |
Native Plant: Yes |
Halophyte: No |
Family Name: Sunflower |
Click on Picture for enlarged version
Date: 10/17/2005