Some Common Plants of Upper Newport Bay
Wild Radish
(Raphanus sativus)
Plant: Biennial herb, widely branching, 1 to 4 feet tall. Invasive
Flowers: In a terminal bunch, each flower about 1 inch in diameter, 4 petals, white, yellow or lavender with rose or purple veins.
Fruit: Seedpod is 3/4 to 1-1/4 inch long including the conical tip. Tastes like a radish.
Leaf: Lower leaves are divided into lobes and are 4 to 8 inches long, rounded at the ends. Upper leaves are toothed.
Flowering period:
April to September
Can be found here:
Back Bay Dr., Indian Springs, Big Canyon
Native Plant: No
Halophyte: No
Family Name: Mustard
Click on Picture for enlarged version
Date: 11/16/2003