Some Common Plants of Upper Newport Bay

Turkey Mullein, Dove Weed  (Eremocarpus setiger)
Plant:  Annual herb, gray to light green, low spreading, branched from the base, 1 to 8 inches tall and 2 to 36 inches across.  The plant is covered with hairs.  Common
Flowers: Tiny in flat clusters at the ends of stem branches.  Male in the axils of the lower branches and female in the axils of the upper branches.
Leaf: Thick oval, 1/4 to 1 1/2 inches long, covered with bristly hairs.
Flowering period:   May to October
Use by Indians:  The stems & leaves contain a narcotic poison. 
Indians threw pieces of them into streams to stun fish.
Can be found here: West Bluffs, Big Canyon, Bayview Nature Trail
Native Plant: Yes Halophyte: No
Family Name: Spurge
Click on Picture for enlarged version

Date:  10/5/2005