Some Common Plants of Upper Newport Bay

Western Sycamore  (Platanus racemosa)
Plant:  Deciduous tree often found in moist soils but will grow in a variety of conditions and can reach a height of 40-80 feet, with a diameter of 2-4 feet.  Has wide spreading branches.
Flower/Fruit:  Fruiting heads of 3 or more on zigzag stems, round in shape, 3/4" to 1-1/2" in diameter.
Leaf: It has large, slightly star-shaped lobed leaves and a mottled white and brown bark. 
Flowering period:   February to April
Use by Indians:  The bark was brewed into a tea to aid in childbirth.  Fire -hollowed portions of dead trunks were used as bowls.
Can be found here: Big Canyon, Bayview Nature Trail
Native Plant: Yes Halophyte: No
Family Name: Sycamore
Click on Picture for enlarged version

Date: 10/17/2005