Some Common Plants of Upper Newport Bay

Pickleweed - S. virginica  (Salicornia virginica)
Plant: A perennial with straight and spreading fleshy stems. It does not require air passage to its roots, and it tolerates salt by concentrating it in its segmented stems which break off when full.  Dodder (Cuscuta salina) is an orange, string parasitic plant found growing on pickleweed.
Flowers: Small and inconspicuous
Leaf/Stem:  The simple leaves are jointed and reduced to scales.  The stems are green and carry on photosynthesis. 
Flowering period:   April to September.
Use by Indians:  Seeds were used for food, tender tips were used in salads.
Can be found here: Big Canyon, along Back Bay Drive and in the
middle zone of the marsh.
Native Plant: Yes Halophyte: Yes
Family Name: Goosefoot
Click on Picture for enlarged version
Similar species: S. subterminalis & bigelovii
Date:  10/16/2005