Some Common Plants of Upper Newport Bay

Lemonadeberry  (Rhus integrifolia)
Plant:  Evergreen shrub 3 to 10 feet tall, sticky trunk with many wide spreading limbs. Frost resistant.
Flowers: The small flowers, only 1/8 inch long with 5 white to rose petals, are in compact, terminally branched clusters. 
Fruit: The flattened, reddish fruits are covered with sticky bumps and short hairs.  A cooling but rather bitter drink can be made from the fruits.
Leaf:  Alternate on stems, shiny, leathery, 1 to 2-1/2 inches long, rounded on both ends and aromatic when crushed. 
Flowering period:   February to April
Can be found here: Big Canyon, Bayview Nature Trail, Indian Springs
Indian Use: Tea was made from fresh or dried berries for coughs and colds.  Stems were used in basketry.
Native Plant: Yes Halophyte: No
Family Name: Sumac
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Date: 10/16/2005