Some Common Plants of Upper Newport Bay

Horehound  (Marrubium vulgare)
Plant:  A perennial herb in clumps a foot or 2 tall with square, woolly, white stems, but no mint odor.  Horehound candy was sucked for a sore throat and is available in some candy stores.  Common.
Flowers: The small white flowers are crowded in dense whorls in the axils of the upper leaves.
Fruit: The fruit becomes a bur when dry and attaches itself to animal fur spilling the little nutlets where they will prosper.
Leaf: The leaves are thick gray-green with prominent veins roundish with wrinkles and covered beneath with matted, white hairs. .
Flowering period:  Spring and Summer
Can be found here: Everywhere
Native Plant: No Halophyte: No
Family Name: Mint 
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Date: 10/16/2005