Some Common Plants of Upper Newport Bay

Crystalline Ice Plant, Common Ice Plant  (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum)
Plant: A succulent, prostate annual with many, tiny, glistening bubbles on the leaves. The bubbles look like minute raindrops and disappear when you crush them.  These plants add salt to the soil and may prevent other plants from growing where they do.
Flowers: Solitary with short thick stems and  numerous white petals, linear, aging reddish and about ¼ inch long.
Leaf: New Leaf: is egg-shaped with glistening bubbles, later leaves reduced with  reddish-tinge. The bubbles look like minute raindrops and disappear when you crush them.
Flowering period:   March to October
Can be found here: Back Bay Drive, Big Canyon
Native Plant:  No Halophyte: Yes
Family Name: Carpet-weed
Click on Picture for enlarged version
Date: 10/5/2005