Some Common Plants of Upper Newport Bay

Brewer's Saltbush  (Atriplex lentiformis ssp. breweri)
Plant: This spreading shrub grows up to about 10 feet tall.  It is typically found along the upper reaches of the salt marsh and on adjoining roadside areas.  Also called Quail Bush.  Common.
Flowers: In abundant terminal bunches.  Male and female flowers on different plants.
Gall:  Abnormal growth of the stem caused by the eggs of a Sawfly. The female  lays them in holes bored into the branch.
Leaf: Oblong 5/8 to 1 1/2 inches long on short stems.  Smooth edges.
Flowering period:   August to October
Use by Indians:  Seeds and young leaves eaten, chewed stems put on ant bites and bee stings.
Can be found here: Big Canyon
Native Plant: Yes Halophyte: Yes
Family Name: Goosefoot
Click on Picture for enlarged version

Date: 1/14/2010