Plant: Perennial shrub 2 to 6 feet tall, openly
branched with dark green foliage.
Strongly scented when the vegetation is crushed. |
Flowers: Many in whorls spaced 2 or 3 inches apart along the
main stem,
pale blue or whitish about 1/2 inch long. |
Leaf: Elliptical with rounded teeth, wrinkled, green,
3/4 to
1-1/4 inches long. |
Flowering period: |
April to July |
Use by Indians: |
Seeds were eaten, leaves used for flavoring and tea.
Can be found here: |
Bayview Nature Trail |
Native Plant: Yes |
Halophyte: No |
Family Name: Mint |
Click on Picture for enlarged version
Date: 1/14/2010